The Ultimate Markdown Cheat Sheet.

The Ultimate Markdown Cheat Sheet.

Hello everyone in this article I'll tell you how to write the perfect markdown file for your project details. let's get started it.

what is readme.MD file?

A readme.MD file is an essential guide that gives other developers a details description of your GitHub project.

  • A good README helps your project to stand out from other projects and should be as good as your project itself.

  • it's the first thing to notice while encountering your project, so it's brief but details.

  • The quality of a readme description differentiated a good project from bad one.

What is markdown file?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. markdown is now one of the popular markup languages.

How to crate Markdown file?

Markdown works in any browser even if you use a simple notepad. I'll cover vs code editor.

to work with markdown, simply save the text file with .md extension. after that, you'll able to apply markdown syntax.

after creating file, for preview type shortcut (ctrl+shift+v).


To create a heading, you need to start with Hash # symbol . for heading 1 you need to start with one hash # symbol. for heading 2 you need to start with two hash ## symbols. similarly heading 3 you need to start with three ### symbols.

you can write till heading six. and don't forget to space after # symbol.



To create paragraphs, use a blank line to separate one or more lines of text. for writing paragraphs, you don't need to follow any rules just type your text.



To bold text, add two asterisks before and after a word or phrase. add two asterisks without spaces around the letters



To italic text, add one underscore before and afterword or phrase. without spaces around the latter.



To create a blockquote, add>in front of a paragraph.



To create strikeThrough, just add two tildes ~~ before and after words or phrases.



For adding image, you need to using this tag. ![imagename](TargetUrl)



To show your code, append the `backticks' symbol add after and before the line.

Ordered List

To create an ordered list, add line item with number. 1. and space than text

ordered list.png

Unoder List

To create an under list, add dashes (-) in front the line.

un list.png

To create a link, just follow this tag [Site name](url)



if you want to add line just write three asterisk ***



If you want to add table just start with pipes | and hyphens - are used to create each column's header.



I hope this article helps you, if you have any doubts just comment down below.