Some Important CSS Selectors

Some Important CSS Selectors

Welcome to everybody in this article I’ll share with you few very important CSS selectors, without CSS selectors you don’t get the desired outcome of the web page. That's why I’ll share with you, so many CSS selectors available but I’ll talk about a few of them, let’s get started.

1. Universal Selector

The CSS Selector is a universal selector which is used to select all elements of the HTML DOM. in some situations you want to apply a rule to all elements in an HTML Page then you can use this selector. Its starts with () asterisk.

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2. Individual selector

The individual selector is a way to select any element with a given tag name in a document, and apply the style to the element with the tag name. Remember you should only write the tag name, not write brackets around the tag name - p, not


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3. Class Selector and Id selector

Class selector is a way to select all elements with the specified class name. And apply style to each of the matching elements. The selector must start with a period (.) and the class name. The browser will look for all tags in the page that have a class attribute containing the class name. Remember class name must be the same - .box-links is different form. Box-Links. the class name can’t contain a space, but it can be hyphens or underscores.

CSS (class selector) css.png Outcome output.png

CSS (Id selector) css.png Outcome output.png

4. Chained selector

If you want to very specific element that you want select then this Chained selector comes. If you have a element with two or more class names then this chained selector works.

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5. Combined selector

This selector use to select multiple elements and apply the same rules like font colour, font family, font size etc.

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6. Inside and element

This selector is used for very specific selection, if you have multiple elements and you select any particular element then this element come.

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7. Direct child

This selector is used to match all the elements which are children of a specified element. It gives the relation between two elements. The element > element selector selects those elements which are the children of the specific parent.

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8. Sibling selector

This selector is used to select an element that is directly after another specific element. Sibling elements must have the same parent element.

CSS css.png Outcome output.png . sibling ~ p The general sibling selector selects all elements that are the next siblings of a selected element. The following example selects all

elements that are next siblings of


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Pseudo Class

Pseudo class is used to define a special state of an element. It can be used to style the element when a user mouse over it. And style the first letter or first line, of an element etc. There was multiple pseudo-class available but today I talk about few important elements.


The ::before selector used for add or insert something to be the content of each selected element.


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::after The ::after selector used for add or insert something to be the content of each selected element.

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The :hover selector is used to select elements when you mouse over them. The hover selector works on every element not only the link.

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The :focus selector is used to selecting the element that has focus.

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First child

This selector is used to selecting the first child of the parent element.

CSS F-CSS.png Outcome F-OUT.png

Last child

This selector is used to select last child of the parent element.

CSS L-CSS.png Outcome L-OU.png